M7 Test Center Accreditation, Membership & Partnership
M7 Test Center is an authorized testing center for many internationally recognized certifications company.
We are recognized and approved to deliver exams on behalf of multiple organizations such as PROMETRIC, ETS, ACT, iTEP, Scantron, TOLES, GETS and Logical Operations.
These partnerships allow M7 Test Center to deliver the most internationally required exams with specific standards set in alignment with these companies. This provides all our clients and students with a guarantee of high quality testing service and education.
M7 Test Center is involved in the program Study Abroad with aim to help students from Macedonia and Balkan region to gain international education and experience.
We are partnering with Educational consultancy specialist 2TM and actively provide best educational guidance for student who start the enrollment process in higher educational institutions in Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany and Hungary. Thanks to our partnership with 2TM we offer business immigration, advice and professional assistance in the process of obtaining a residency permit for European Union. Slovenian Language courses (with native speaking teachers) are also included in our offer thanks to the professional cooperation with 2TM.
We are recognized and approved to deliver exams on behalf of multiple organizations such as PROMETRIC, ETS, ACT, iTEP, Scantron, TOLES, GETS and Logical Operations.
These partnerships allow M7 Test Center to deliver the most internationally required exams with specific standards set in alignment with these companies. This provides all our clients and students with a guarantee of high quality testing service and education.
M7 Test Center is involved in the program Study Abroad with aim to help students from Macedonia and Balkan region to gain international education and experience.
We are partnering with Educational consultancy specialist 2TM and actively provide best educational guidance for student who start the enrollment process in higher educational institutions in Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany and Hungary. Thanks to our partnership with 2TM we offer business immigration, advice and professional assistance in the process of obtaining a residency permit for European Union. Slovenian Language courses (with native speaking teachers) are also included in our offer thanks to the professional cooperation with 2TM.
ETS - Educational Testing ServiceEducational Testing Service (ETS), is the world's largest private nonprofit educational testing and assessment organization. ETS develops various standardized tests and it also administers international tests including the TOEFL, TOEIC, GRE...
ETS assessments, research and customized products and services are designed to improve teaching and learning, expand opportunities for learners and communities, inform education and policy, and advance the field of educational measurement. M7 Test Center is offical TOEFL iBT certified test administration site, STN 15440A |
LOGICAL OPERATIONSLOGICAL OPERATIONS develops and publishes the most widely used and respected professional training courses available today. LO develop more than 5.100 authored curriculum in 6 major areas.They also partner with some of the industry's most well respected companies (IBM, CISCO, CompTIA) and develops curriculum that maps directly to their IT Certifications.
As company, Logical Operations drives innovation of next generation learning tools for use in and beyond the classroom. They are committed to providing industry leading learning solutions that enable organizations to educate and certify customers, develop employees and support partners. CyberSafe, CyberSecFirstResponder, MMAD (Master Mobile Application Developer) and MMCT (Modern Classroom Certified Trainer) are high-stakes certifications that M7 Test Center exclusively and for the first time in Macedonia offer to you. |