М7 Тест Центер во соработка со Logical Operations ви нуди
LOGICAL OPERATIONS develops and publishes the most widely used and respected professional training courses available today. They partner with some of the industry's most well respected companies (IBM, CISCO, CompTIA).
As company, Logical Operations drives innovation of next generation learning tools for use in and beyond the classroom. |
The way professionals learn today is not the same as it was 10 or even 5 years ago. That’s why LO created CHOICE, our
user-friendly and customization learning platform that combines award-winning course-ware with digital learning tools
for use in and beyond the classroom.
CHOICE learners are able to choose how, when, and where they want to learn.
mmadMMAD is the only cross-platform, vendor-neutral mobile application developer certification available today and
M7 Test Center is the first who brings to you in Macedonia. Read more... |
cloud computing |